The deportation of the Ahiska - It happened on this day 67 years ago.✹NNA -TV 2011✔

Ekleyen Shukhrat KHOLOV
1) ░░▒ NNA-TV ® ►►► Broadcast and live stream. 2)✹ Please click below to visit NNA-TV Website ..►►► 3) ░░▒ NNA-Word TV ®►►► All episodes of The NNA - TV, a Ahiska teaching series of videos hosted by NNA-Word TV. video playlist. 14 ноября 1944.года Ахыска Турки-Месхетинцы были депортированы в лагеря смерти в Центральной Азии 67. Anniversary of the Deportation of Ahiska Meskhetian Turks . NOV 14th, 2011. The Ahiska Meskhetian Turks were deported to death camps in Central Asia 67 years ago, in Nov 14 1944. The Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's deportation, the most massive of all Soviet deportations, took place over the course of only a few moments!. That period, during the middle of winter, almost 130,000 men, women and children were loaded into cattle cars and shipped to various locations, thousands of kilometers away. The victims were only allowed to take three days' worth of rations and spent a horrifying two or three months on the road. Thousands died every day and the bodies were simply tossed out of the cars at every railroad station. Many Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's had in fact fought on the front lines of the Soviet war against the German aggressor. Thousands of Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's died on the field of battle, with many becoming war heroes. In 1944, the Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's stood accused of cooperating with the Fascist. Even though many decades have passed, the Second World War is still an unanswered question for the Ahiska Meskhetian people, and this historical burden inevitably impacts the continuing development of Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's society today. Giorgians have created thousands of works that are filled with deliberate lies. From pollution to politics, the era of deception and duplicity has reached new heights.It is alarming that the people from the generation that survived the deportation say that living for The Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's today is more frightening than the terrible years of 1944 to 1956.The Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's problems are ignored and sacrificed to the ambitions of certain leaders, probably take another fifty years for the international community to call things by their real names. THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE MESKHETIAN TURK'S. The Meskhetian Turks are a group of AhiskaTurk's who have historically lived in the Meskheti region (pronounced Massagetae) Ahiska went down in history under the name of the tribe of Saks,Massagets (or Ak-sака) White Saka,White Huns. The ancient Altai,Tibet. Ahiska located of the Kura-Aras River Basin ,on border of Turkey and Georgia. The results of the invading the land of the Meskhetia (Ak-sака Massagetae) In 330 BC Persians captured this area. Ethnic Turkish populated the area, and in between conquests, it was a province of the Atabegs. In 1828, during the Russo-Turkish Wars of 1877--1878 and 1828-1829, the region was included into the Russian Empire. As it is well known from the historiography, World War I peace settlement of the Georgian and Armenian claims,the Ahiska Meskhetia had become part of the Georgia. On November 14, 1944 Under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union the entire Ahiska (Meskhetian) Turks people deported to Central Asia. That period, during the middle of winter, almost 130,000 men, women and children were loaded into cattle cars and shipped to various locations, thousands of kilometers away. The victims were only allowed to take three days' worth of rations and spent a horrifying two or three months on the road. Thousands died every day and the bodies were simply tossed out of the cars at every railroad station. Many Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's had in fact fought on the front lines of the Soviet war against the German aggressor.Thousands of Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's died on the field of battle, with many becoming war heroes. In 1944, the Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's stood accused of cooperating with the Fascist. Beginning with the second half of the 60s, the Ahiska Meskhetian Turk's demanded to return to their own motherland. In the second half of the 80s, this movement had extended and had taken a mass character. Meskhetians want to return to AHISKA, from where, according to their story, they were deported during World War II. The "NATIONAL NATIVA AHISKA -TV" Agency reports. 2012
Tarih: 15 Mayıs 2012
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